It’s banned book week. A week where we talk about books that have been banned and lift them up because we support the freedom to read whatever you want to read. I always signal boost this week, as most of us do, because it’s important to highlight and shine a light on great books that have been challenged. Things are especially dire this year where books are being challenged at a frightening pace and there are the more and more challenged/banned books. After years of not being on the list, this year I am. SOUPY LEAVES HOME has been challenged and banned in Texas. I actually almost threw up when I found out about it. It’s like being on a list / club with all the absolute best most talented friends and colleagues. Only no one wants to be in that club, not really. And for all of the big books that get named there are hundreds of small books that just get disappeared. It makes me really sad and it’s obviously getting worse. So if you want to stick it to those handful of small minded folks who are challenging books and removing them off of shelves, go buy a copy of Soupy Leaves Home and whatever other books you love that quite honestly, are also probably challenged somewhere, too, because so many are being challenged right now, and talk about them LOUDLY!

I’m a member of SAG-AFTRA and I’m WGA eligible, and so I’ve continued to walk the strike line this past month. As we all know all the things that both SAG-AFTRA and WGA are fighting for affect all creative sectors so It’s been inspiring and motivating to be out there on the strike line. I’ve walked with friends, made new friends and have been filled with a sense of hope for the solidarity that all are putting into this very important fight. I’m so glad that WGA got a great deal. I’m hopeful for SAG-AFTRA now that they are back at the negotiating table. I know that it’s strange that I’m in the actors union when I’ve made my career as a writer, but as many of you know, I am a trained actor! (You can read about it in my memoir GIRL ON FILM) When I first started writing novels, I would do background work so that I could have time to write. I learned so much being on sets, it’s wonderful training for seeing what a great set is and how to tell stories and I’m a proud union member.
Another thing that is plaguing our industry is the onslaught of AI in creative fields, which is one of the things that the unions are striking to have rules around. Sadly, authors of novels don’t yet have protections in place to deal with the coming wave of AI. I was surprised to learn that some of my books (and some of my short stories that aren’t listed under my name, but under the anthology editors name) are being used to train AI. It really is upsetting because they do not have my consent nor are any of us being compensated. I’ve joined the Author’s Guild who have filed a class action suit. If you are an author and find out that your book is on the list of books being used to train AI, you can go to this handy article that they put out about actions that you can do.

And just to end on some good news, I’m off on an adventure! I’ve been awarded a Fulbright fellowship through their specialist program to go to Denmark to do a project and workshop with my beloved Graphic Storytelling Program at The Animation Workshop in Viborg! I’m so excited to be investigating a project with the students that seeks to incorporate comics, performance and new technologies such as VR or AR (or something else! who knows! It’s an investigation!) I never really thought a Fulbright would be in the cards for me, but here it is and I’m thrilled. It’s going to be so great to have an extended time over there to really dig in on this idea that I have making hybrid work and it will be fun to collaborate with the students and faculty in the spirit of cross cultural exchange. Hurrah! Also, it’s always fun to go overseas and Denmark is pretty great.
If you are a paid subscriber here or if you support me over at KO-FI, feel free to email me your snail mail and I’ll send you a postcard from overseas!
It’s a bit quiet on my output frong, but I’m cooking up some new books and an opera right now. They’ll be out down the line. For right if you’re itching for the newest book of mine that is out it is the STAR WARS HYPERSPACE STORIES: REBELS & RESISTANCE. It’s got stories by me, Amanda Deibert and Michael Moreci. And you can still always get SHIFTING EARTH by me and Flavia Biondi for your SciFi Hope Punk needs if you haven’t yet.
Watched this show called Dickensian that I kind of loved. Am about to start Ghost Talkers by Marie Robinette Kowal (WWI and ghosts, sign me up!), really dug the spot on YA vibe of You Are So Not Invited to my Bat Mitzvah, and am excited to go see Kimberly Akimbo next week when I’m in New York City bashing about at NYCC.
Hope you are all doing great! Cheers!